Moorooka State School has a rich history as can be read in the Related History Links. These links make interesting reading for history buffs.
In December 2006 the Junior School was ravaged by fire. The whole block had to be demolished due to the risk created by the asbestos in the roof. The loss included seven classrooms. the Uniform Shop/Tuckshop, Junior Administration Offices, Staffroom, Reading Resource Room and Maths Resource Room.
In March 2009 with the aid of Insurance money from the fire and other State and Federal Grants we opened the new Moorooka State School Multi-purpose Hall. The Hall includes a new Tuckshop, 2 classrooms, Uniform Shop, Toilets and room for OHSC. A great way to commemorate our 80th Year.
In 2019 we celebrated our 90th Anniversary and had a reunion of old scholars at our Fete held in July. There was a complete refurbishment of E Block which now houses 8 rooms and the installation of airconditioning in all classrooms was completed.