


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​If you wish to enrol your child in Prep for the current year please navigate back to "Enrolling at our school" (see tab at left).

​​Prep 202​6

Enrolments and expressions of interest are now open for Prep 2026. 

Moorooka State School is currently managing enrolments to within the catchment area.  Please refer to the map here​ to check your address and eligibility for enrolment. 

If you reside out of the catchment area, please complete an Expression of Interest Form​ and return it to the administration office.  You will be placed on a waiting list at this time and the school will be in contact with you when the enrolment process begins. 

For students who reside within the catchment area, please see the following procedure.

To enrol your child ​download our Enrolment Application, permission forms, prep questionnaire and Transition Statement Consent form (refer to Related Links on the right of this page) or collect a specialized Prep pack at our administration office during school hours.  

 The 2026 Prep Transition Statement information flyer  will be released shortly with details regarding our parent information sessions, enrolment interviews and orientation days.

Moorooka State School Pre-Prep program is open to all children enrolled to start Prep at MSS in 2026.  Bookings are essential and places are limited.  Find out more here by clicking MSS Pre-Prep Program.

Please make sure to read the Prep Parent Handbook prior to your interview and the  I'm starting in Prep at MSS​ is a great resource to watch with your Prep student and can answer some commonly asked questions and allay any fears that our new students may experience.

​​Enrolment Checklist 

 The following documents are required to be completed and presented to the school administration team before an enrolment interview can be booked:

Upon receipt of your application, you will be advised of an enrolment interview time with either our Deputy Principal, Principal or one of our current Prep teachers.  

At this meeting the interviewer will discuss the details and expectations of your child/childrens enrolment.  The Responsible Behaviour Plan for Students, School Dress Code, Homework Policy, Attendance and Absences Policy will also be discussed.

Once an enrolment interview has been conducted and the enrolment has been confirmed you are then able to organise uniforms and books for the upcoming year.

When can children enrol in prep?

Children need to be five by 30 June in the year they enrol in prep.


Child born 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015Yr 6

Child born 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016Yr 5
Yr 6

Child born 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017Yr 4
Yr 5
Yr 6
Child born 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018Yr 3
Yr 4
Yr 5
Yr 6
Child born 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019Yr 2
Yr 3
Yr 4
Yr 5
Child born 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020Yr 1
Yr 2
Yr 3
Yr 2
Child born 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021Prep
Yr 1
Yr 2
Yr 3
​Child born 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022
​Yr 1
​Yr 2
​Child born 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023

​Yr 1
​Child born 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024

Is Prep compulsory?

The preparatory year is compulsory. It provides the foundation for your child's education and is required to be undertaken prior to Year 1. Prep is a full-time program in primary schools and has a defined curriculum. Children attend Monday to Friday between 8.40am to 2.55pm.

Can children turning 5 after 30th June enrol in prep?

Children must turn five years of age before 30 June of the year of enrolment. Special consideration may be given to children from interstate or overseas who meet legislated criteria.

Prep student's arrival and departure

Prep students must be escorted by a responsible adult to and from their classroom each day. If you have another child at the school, a sibling can walk them to and from the classroom.

Can children with a disability attend prep?

Children with disabilities, who are of eligible age, are included in prep classes wherever possible. Children with high support needs who cannot be supported in their local prep class continue to be eligible for highly specialised programs for example, in early childhood intervention programs such as the Early Childhood Development Program.

Delayed start to Prep

It is not compulsory for your child to attend the Prep year as soon as they are old enough, 5 yrs by 30 June in the year they enrol.  You can delay their entry by one year if you feel they are not ready, but when they start school, they still start in the Prep year.  Your child must be enrolled in school when they turn compulsory schooling age (that is, at least 6 years and 6 months).

Parents who decide to delay their child's start in Prep may choose to keep their child at home or in an early childhood education and care service.  Parents may also apply to access an Early Childhood Development Program for children with disability through existing regional processes.

If you have any concerns regarding your child starting Prep when they are eligible, please contact us and make an appointment to see the Principal or Deputy so you can make the best informed decision for your child.


Last reviewed 24 March 2025
Last updated 24 March 2025