Bell Times
Proceed to Class: 8:40am (Bell)
First session: 8:45am(Bell)
Eating time: 10:45am (Bell)
First break: 10:55am
Middle session: 11:20am (Bell)
Eating time: 1:25pm (Bell)
Second break: 1:35pm
Last session: 2:00pm (Bell)
End of school: 2:55pm (Bell)
Friday Mornings 9AM in the Hall
Alternate fridays-
Junior School :Yrs Prep-2
Senior School : Yrs 3-6
Before and after school
Students should not be at school before 8.30am unless they attend before/after school care through our OSHC. At 8.30am the Courtyard is under supervision and students should wait there until the bell sounds for class.
At the end of the day, students should only be at school if attending OSHC.
Office Hours: 8.00am–3.45pm
Uniform Shop Hours-
Fridays during school term